Yoga Therapy

A 121 session to build a personal yoga practice that can support and empower you to improve your health and wellbeing. I take a holistic approach from a physical, spiritual and mental perspective. We’ll discuss your issues and what brought you to the present moment, what your goals and priorities are from our sessions together, and what yoga practices we can build into your every day life no matter how much (or little!) time you have.

I would recommend booking in at least 3 sessions to begin as that we can build on your goals and ensure your home practice is just right for your life at this moment.

My rates are as follows:


£70 - 1st 90 minute session, including posture, breath and movement assessments

£50 - all proceeding 60 min sessions

In person (London or Cheshire)

£80 - 1st 90 minute session, including posture, breath and movement assessments.

£60 - all proceeding 60 min sessions

Public yoga class

Join me for a weekly group class where I’ll guide you through the yoga asana with variations for different levels. Come for movement, breathing, relaxation and community with some other like minded yogis. New weekly in person yoga class coming soon to Macclesfield!


Private 121 yoga class

For students who would like to have a more focused practise. You could be a beginner wanting to learn the basics, a more experienced yogi looking to gain a deeper understanding of their practise, or maybe even a group of friends wanting to share some time together connecting. I can come to your home, a nearby park or online.

Corporate yoga and wellbeing

A yoga class for a busy corporate world, whether you’re a company wanting to gift your employees with some much needed mindfulness and wellbeing, or a manager wanting to use yoga as a tool to team build and refocus as a group. This would be held at a space within your office or virtually.