What is Yoga Nidra?

What''s Yoga Nidra I hear you say...? Well let me tell you! 

What is Yoga Nidra?

Yoga Nidra is also know as Yogic Sleep, and is a state of consciousness between being awake and sleeping. It's a deep meditative state that takes you through the 5 layers of the self (Koshas - I'll save this for another time!) with the aim of giving you a deeper connection to the collective consciousness between yourself and all living things.

Ok sure... but what do I need to do?

Quite literally nothing! You lie down in savasana and get cosy. Delightful! Your teacher (me...?!) will then talk you through a Yoga Nidra script that will guide you around the sensations in your body and your breath to help you find total relaxation that will allow you to fall into the Nidra state. 

Sounds great, but how will it benefit me personally?

As we are all living in heightened states of stress even BC (Before Covid) , and our bodies are in constant fight or flight mode. This can give us higher levels of anxiety, depression and digestion issues because our parasympathetic nervous system isn't given the opportunity to let our bodies know that we’re safe.

Well Yoga Nidra can give you that space. It is an adaptogenic practise, which means you will take from it what you need - energy, relaxation, inspiration, sleep. (I tend to fall asleep in most sessions so that's apparently what I need!!) But it's really not a one size fixes all, and as most things it's a practise that's more beneficial the more you do it. Check out my schedule for details of when I teach this, or contact me if you would like a 121 session.