The benefits of prenatal yoga

If you’re reading this it is likely that you are pregnant, so congratulations - it’s an exciting time whether it’s your first or your seventh. It’s also a time when your body is changing daily, physically emotionally and energetically. And you know what - you got this!

So how are you feeling? Tired. Emotional. Energetic. Excited. Nervous. A little bit of all of these? Well that’s ok, totally normal to have mixed emotions and feel different from one day to the next. And one tool that can help is prenatal yoga. And here’s why.

I’ll let you into a little secret… Women are bloody amazing - and that includes you too! You can grow another human, and not only that over the course of 40 weeks your body changes and prepares itself to give birth. Wow. Of course all of this happens as if by magic, but you can give it a helping hand by moving, breathing, connecting. Some benefits of a regular practice during pregnancy:

  • Strength. I include some quite strong poses into my classes. This is not only to support you during your pregnancy, but to give you strength and stamina during your labour. Even if you know you are not having a natural birth you can still benefit from this during and following your labour.

  • Breath. Something we take for granted, yet most of us don’t breathe properly. When you’re pregnant you need more oxygen to function at an optimal level, as well as this intake of oxygen being vital for your baby’s development. Deep breathing also has many other benefits for your body including relaxation, reduced stress and anxiety, and preparation for managing your labour through breathing.

  • Connection. To yourself, your baby and your community. All of these are important to your wellbeing. Tuning into your body. Beginning to build a strong connection of love and light with your baby that will never be broken. Making new friends and sharing how you’re feeling, tips, birthing methods and more with other mums nearby, a support network that can hold you while you’re pregnant and beyond.

  • Stillness. We live in a busy world and you probably have a to do list as long as your arm, if you are already a mum it could be even longer. A yoga class is a sanctuary, a place to slow down, be still and find peace.

This list is by no means exhaustive and there is so much information out there about why yoga is so good for you in and out of pregnancy. If you have had your 12 week scan and you would like to try a class, then once you’ve checked with your doctor get in touch with me or a local teacher close to where you live. Ask any questions, share any concerns or health issues you might have, and give a class a try.